Fantastic Trout Fishing to start the summer

_DSC3688As I stated in previous posts we in the northern Adirondacks had a very tough winter and water temps were just reaching the mid 60s in late June for the first time this season. The result was fantastic for the avid fly fishermen that were up here last week. Large to VERY LARGE trout were on the prowl and very hungry. One 22 inch, three 20 inch and numerous 19-15 inch browns were landed for brief photo sessions. Several break offs and these landed fish led to vivid recantations of the days fishing around the campfire as liberal amounts of 12oz truth serum were consumed. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOne guest brought his 7 year old daughter and boy was I concerned that some of the biting insects that thrive here would take her hostage but she turned out to be one rugged little lady. Not once in four days did she whine and she impressed the hell out of this grizzled old veteran of the region. The river was at full pool for fly fishing and her dad, new to this river, worked hard but was rewarded with some slammer brown trout plus one sweet rainbow.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Sophia was my camp companion and helped keep my beast of a dog under control.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I don’t have the pictures yet from the other group that was here but their tale involved quite a few wonderful trout of the same caliber and numerous fish from 6-12 inches as well. I have a very healthy fishery here and with a little rain to maintain river levels we will enjoy great fishing possibly through the whole summer! Global warming sucks but it does seem to be helping maintain river levels for us although last year was over the top with regional rivers at flood stage all summer. New York has some of the best fishing in the world so take advantage of it.

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