Frothy Frozen Fishermen

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWow what a winter here in the North Eastern NYS!!! It has been colder than my ex-wife after I had been fishing or hunting all day, and baby that was cold. Thank god we did not have a record snow pack to go with the record cold. Maybe this wild brown, caught by NYS guide Dave Versendy, will warm our thoughts a little, I know it stirs my loins. We are now starting to get a nice steady thaw which seems to be to be breaking this winters back. photo(31)Like last year this winter will delay the great fishing, its always good, until well into May and June. Last year was tough at the start but with some nice summer rains we experienced fantastic fishing all season. Due to the porous nature of the soil in our region the melt off leaches deep into the ground water table and slowly seeps out via the numerous springs maintaining favorable temperatures for trout all summer long. With us being on the same parallel as the upper reaches of Montana and upper Michigan we tend to experience the same great fishing as them well after most people think the good fishing is over. With reasonable gas prices and steady economy maybe you should not put off that trip up here you have been promising yourself. Life is finite, good health a gift, do not wait!!!!! camp director 001Your friend in the Adirondacks Papa Bear.

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A great year in the Adirondacks!!!!

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