Adirondack Trout Fishing Reaching Critical Mass

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter one brute of a winter, the hallowed streams of northern NY are at last coming into their own. Memorial Day found water temps finally reaching the 55 degree mark on many of the flows. I would say that most of the north country is about 2-3 weeks behind a normal schedule. With a big snow pack and very cold spring it was very late in April before it melted. This in turn takes weeks for this melt off to leach out of the ground water, thus even with nice days it takes a long time to reach the magic 63 degree mark. These next two weeks are going to be great barring some sort of heavy rains. Caddis and stone flies were just starting to make some serious effort on Memorial Day. Even the migratory birds are just now making nests and the fauna is now starting to fill into full bloom. The plus side of all this is that with some reasonable rains in the month of June we will probably enjoy some awesome fishing well into July or August.

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