A great year in the Adirondacks!!!!

your local bear 001As I stated in a previous posts, a late spring and regular rains could could add up to some great trout fishing. Well that prediction has come to be a reality. This has been one of those years where everything has been nearly perfect. I just got back from 6 weeks in the mountains and while I was mostly working on my compound, Fort Minnow, my guests were enjoying some quality fishing for wild trout. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARight out of the gate Sophia and her dad to my most recent guest Greg in early August, all caught wonderful wild trout. P6250710In this period hundreds of trout of all sizes were caught and released with several over the 20 inch mark and 22 being the bench mark this year, so far! On August3rd water temps were still in the mid 60s and the rivers sporting early June levels. With no biblical drought, such as California is experiencing, this bodes well for some fantastic fall fishing. P6250727P6020676-600trout trip june 2011 066trout trip june 2011 075When I tell people that I am from NY they think of the city and the upstate region is the polar opposite. We are blessed with some of the best recreational venues in the country and YOU should be taking advantage of it. A trip up here is not only about the fishing but also the other venues here such as birding, antiquing, golf and visual beauty at every turn in the road. DO NOT WAIT, life is finite.bow

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Fantastic Trout Fishing to start the summer

As I stated in previous posts we in the northern Adirondacks had a very tough winter and water temps were...
